
Technology, Market, and Complexity (SOI).


Society of Open Innovation
Technology, Market, and Complexityr
With the recent emergence of the knowledge-based economy society and the open innovation paradigm, a new phenomenon is now occurring around knowledge and technology and thus, it is necessary to pay attention to the following two characteristics. First, the volume of knowledge increasingly gets far greater than that of the past. The postmodern capitalist society, which is faced with limits in the existing growth stage that is based on labor and capital, is desperately craving for new sources of economic growth. In other words, the innovative use of knowledge and technology is drawing fresh attention from people. The second characteristic worthy of attention is the exponential increase of circulation speed of knowledge. Because of this, various and complex phenomena that cannot be explained from the perspective of the existing economy theory are occurring in every corner of our society and economy. As such, industries and academic societies as well as big data fields are paying attention to the research activities that can suggest a new vision to the study of uncertainties and complexity systems.
Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity Meanwhile, as the signs of social, economic, and political crises, such as growth without employment, trend of global conglomerate concentration, and increase of government’s role, are being brought to the fore, social stability is now facing a great problem because of the crisis of sustainable growth and job creation. Although countless entrepreneurs, scholars, as well as global societies, are expressing concerns for the severity of the crisis they are facing now, the active research of academic societies to improve the present situation is still insufficient.
In line with this, this society intends to develop the abilities to be able to react to “Postcapitalism”, the “Knowledge-based Economy”, and the “Complex Adaptive Economy System” academically through researches on “Open Innovation”, “Open Business Model”, “Collaborative Innovation”, and “Complex Adaptive System”. In addition, this society will try to help overcome the crisis of postcapitalism by constructing a global consulting network on open innovation as well as an open innovation platform that suggests alternatives that can be applied to enterprises and their actual innovation sites.
Main Activitiesg
SOI Conference
  • It shall be held every year in principle and shall be divided into two sessions: academy and business.
  • In the academy session, overall academic researches suitable for the purpose of this society shall be exchanged.
  • In the business session, open innovation cases and business model implementation cases shall be extensively presented by various companies. Furthermore, the role of the business session is expected to serve as a place in which commercializable knowledge and technology based on business models can be exchanged.
  • It shall be held every year in principle and shall be divided into two sessions: academy and business.
  • In the academy session, overall academic researches suitable for the purpose of this society shall be exchanged.
  • In the business session, open innovation cases and business model implementation cases shall be extensively presented by various companies. Furthermore, the role of the business session is expected to serve as a place in which commercializable knowledge and technology based on business models can be exchanged.